Angus X Weaner Steers Sell to $1710/head at Toogoolawah Store Sale

The first sale for 2023 saw agents Shepherdson and Boyd yard 756 head of cattle. The market for heavy feeder cattle eased on the closing rates of last year whilst the backgrounders and trade feeder remained unchanged for the quality lines. Lesser quality cattle were certainly less sought after and saw a fall in price.

Charbray X feeder steers 20mthsArabanoo PastoralCooeeimbardi$1880
Droughtmaster X feeders steers 18-20mthsP & A KleinKilcoy$1850
Droughtmaster steers 16-18mthsWayne DavisLinville$1740
Angus X weaner steers 10-12mthsGlenvale PastoralJimna$1710
Brangus X Steers 14-16mthsGaylene & Collin BelzMt Beppo$1630
Santa steers 14-16mthsRAAU P/LProston$1650
Santa steers 12mthsG & S YeatesNanango$1460
Charolais x weaner steers 6-8mthsTammye ConroyBryden$1390
Charolais X weaner steersGrieve BrosColinton$1390
Charbray weaner steersGraham McPhersonKilcoy$1370
Shorthorn cross weaner steers 10mthsKerrod PierceRockhampton$1400
Angus X Male calves 3-4mths$650
Droughtmaster X Steers calves$540
Santa heifers 18mths (Quality)G & D TilleyBeaudesert$1660
Droughtmaster heifers 20mthsWayne DavisLinville$1630
Droughtmaster trade feeder heifersPecan Pastoral Toogoolawah$1720
Brangus X Trade feeder heifersPecan Pastoral Toogoolawah$1680
Angus X weaner heifers 10-12mthsGlenvale PastoralJimna$1450
Charbray weaner heifers 10mthsGraham McPhersonKilcoy$1450
Charolais X weaner heifers 8-10mthsTammye ConroyBryden$1350
Santa weaner heifers 10mthsG & S YeatesNanango$1220
Droughtmaster heifer calves 4mths$630
Angus X heifer calves 3mths$550
Santa cows 8-10 years with calves 2-3mths at footG & D TilleyBeaudesert$2040

Shepherdson and Boyd would like to wish all our clients a Happy New Year and thank you for your support throughout 2022.  

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