Market Reports
Toogoolawah Store Sale 27/9/24
Limousin x Cows sell to $2440/hd
A yarding of 1012 head of cattle came to hand for Shepherdson & Boyd’s Toogoolawah Store Sale with buyers traveling from the western downs, Beaudesert, North Burnett and local areas. Today’s market remained fully firm for the quality runs of backgrounder cattle. Very limited feeder cattle came to hand, with the price remaining strong. Cows were still in strong demand a selling exceptionally well.

Description: | Vendor: | Location: | Price: |
Brangus feeder steers 20mths | BBMD Developments | Mt Kilcoy | $1560 |
Droughtmaster feeder steers 18mths | Two Tons Stock & Plant | Harlin | $1460 |
Droughtmaster steers 16mths | DK & EA Spring | Harlin | $1250 |
Charolais x Steers 12mths | G & K Gelhaar | Ingoldsby | $1050 |
Angus x Steers 10-14mths | T & S Scott | Blackbutt | $1480 |
Charolais x Steers 10-12mths | ATG Pastoral | Mt Mee | $1120 |
Charolais x Steers 12mths | Simon Fitzgerald | Esk | $1190 |
Charolais x Steers 12mths | MF & NA Sprenger | Haigslea | $1190 |
Droughtmaster Steers 12mths | Carey Earthmoving | Linville | $1100 |
Charolais x steers 8-10mths | Fernvale Pastoral | Fernvale | $1050 |
Charolais x weaner steers 8mths | Melissa Thornton | Kilcoy | $1080 |
Charolais x weaner steers 8mths | D & F Williamson | Mt Stanley | $1050 |
Droughtmaster x weaner steers 8-10mths | D & F Williamson | Mt Stanley | $1000 |
Simmental x steers 8mths | Glendale Partnership | Harlin | $1040 |
Droughtmaster x steers 10-12mths | MT & NM Bennett | Kilcoy | $910 |
Charolais x Steers 10mths | ATG Pastoral | Mt Mee | $1000 |
Charolais x feeder heifers 14mths | Triple P Pastoral | Toogoolawah | $1000 |
Charolais x 10mths | Simon Fitzgerald | Esk | $840 |
Santa x heifers 12mths | A & R Wolff | Toogoolawah | $850 |
Charolais heifers 10mths | G & S Beanland | Chinchilla | $780 |
Charolais heifers 8mths | D & F Williamson | Mt Stanley | $700 |
Charolais x heifers 6-8mths | Brett Langby | Coalbank | $690 |
Angus x heifers, 8mths old | Brett Langby | Coalbank | $720 |
Quality Droughtmaster heifers 6mths | Carey Earthmoving | Linville | $700 |
Simmental x heifers 6mths | Glendale Partnership | Harlin | $630 |
exceptional quality PTIC Limousin Cows 4-5yrs | N & D Rosser | Buaraba | $2440 |
empty Droughtmaster store cows | P & R Kuman | Mt Byron | $1180 |
Shepherdson and Boyd would like to thank all their vendors, buyers and underbidders for their valued support. The next Toogoolawah Store Sale will Friday the 11th of October, starting at 9am.
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