Feeder Steers Sold to $2440/Head
Shepherdson and Boyd yarded 860 head of cattle at Toogoolawah Store Sale. The market remained very strong with replacement breeders in high demand. Feeder steers and heifers sold to a dearer market as numbers tighten. The backgrounder market was fully firm with plenty of competition from southern buyers.
Heavy feeder steers account of Frank Patrick, Kilcoy sold for $2440/head. L & C Clifford of Monto sold Santa x steers 20mths old for $2260/head, $2120/head. A & H Clifford of Monto sold trade Santa x steers for $1990/head. Tancred Management of Lacey’s Creek sold four tooth feeder steers for $2390/head and two tooth feeder steers $2170/head. R & S Read of Mundubbera sold Droughtmaster x trade feeder steers for $2000/head. P & R O’Brien of Gayndah sold Red Brangus steers, 16-18mths for $1910/head. The Eggleston Family of Toogoolawah sold quality Charolais x steers 18 months old for $1960/head and $1920/head. L & E Golinski of Colinton sold 14 – 16-month-old Charolais x steers for $1920/head.
Rivermead P/L of Fernvale sold Charolais x weaner steers for $1690/head. Seven Bar Dot P/Ship of Conondale sold quality Charolais cross light weaner steers for $1490/head. L & S Tinny of Toogoolawah sold light Charolais x weaner steers $1440 and Droughtmaster’s weaner steers for $1480/head.
This weeks heifer market improved and sold to new highs with Charolais x replacement heifers account Tom and Suzy Fogg of Linville selling to $2300 and $2170 / head. The Eggleston family of Toogoolawah sold Charolais x heifers 18-20mths for $2030 and $1990/head. P & R O’Brien sold trade feeder heifers $1900/head. T & G Kelloway sold quality Santa heifers 16-18mths old for $1860/head. Steve Martin of Mt Stanley sold Droughtmaster heifers 18-20mths for $1880/head. Charolais x weaner heifers account Rivermead P/L of Fernvale for $1560/head.
Seven Bar Dot P/Ship of Conondale sold quality Charolais x light weight weaner heifers for $1460, $1450 & $1390 / head. Adam Tschutura of Linville sold Bazadais x weaner heifers for $1480/head. Canekeel P/L sold Charolais weaner heifers for $1470/head. D J Farming of Anduramba sold light Santa weaner heifersfor $1330/head
A smaller yarding of cows and calves came to hand this week. B & J Farms of Monsildale sold a Charolais cow and calf for $2950/head. I & J Smith of Anduramba sold Charbray x cows and calves for $2750/head. Pushman Investments of Fernvale sold cows and calves for $2800/head and $2600/head. A line of Brahman x Preg-tested in calf cows from Goondiwindi sold for $2040, $2000, $1980/head. Droughtmaster cows preg tested in calf from Peachester sold for $2000/head.
Thank you to all vendors and buyers on another fantastic sale. Bookings now open for our next sale on the 24th of September.
Jack Fogg – 0488 192 107
Vince O’Brien – 0418 989 218
Dick Boyd – 0418 713 413
Brodie Hurley – 0439 789 683