Market Reports
2nd Toogoolawah Weaner Sale 17 June 2022

The 2nd weaner sale was held on Friday the 17th of June. A quality line up of 4285 head of weaners were yarded. There was strong competition from western & central buyers with the southern buyers less active this sale due to wet & unfavourable weather conditions.


The steer market remained fully firm to slightly dearer on current market values with quality lines selling exceptionally well.

Breed Vendor Location Price
Charolais and Santa x weaner steers Charlie Stanton Jimna Grazing $2090/head
Charbray weaner G & C Lynch Esk 2060/head
Charolais x weaner steers Eskdale Cattle Eskdale South $2060, $2000/head
Charbray weaner steers Maree Duncombe Conondale 2030/head
Charolais and Brahman x weaner steers   Paradise Grazing Nanango $2030, $2000 & $1850/head
Angus X weaner steers Glenvale Pastoral Co Jimna $2040, $1910 & $1850/head
Charolais x weaner steers J & S Pastoral Gin Gin $1980/head
Santa weaner steers Mark Tilley Beaudesert $1850/head
Charolais x weaner steers Warigul Past Co Esk $1950/head
Charolais and Brahman weaner steers Anthony Dingle of T1Y P/L Woolooga $2020/head
Charbray weaner steers Colinton Station Colinton $1920/head
Angus x weaner steers Mike Perrin & Andrea Vonhoff Anduramba $1920/head
Charolais weaner steers B.V Paterson Manumbar $1970/head
Simmental x weaner steers Mudloo Pastoral Kilkivan $1930/head
Limo x weaner steers Glen Marshall Nanango $2010/head


An excellent quality line up of heifers were yarded selling to firm market rates.

Breed Vendor Location Price
F1 Charolais X Brahman weaner heifers Maree Duncombe Conondale $1900/head
Angus x weaner heifers Glenvale Past Jimna $1890 & $1760/head
F1 Charolais X Brahman weaner heifers Anthony Dingle of T1Y P/L Woolooga $1750, $1660 & $1530/head
Santa weaner heifers J & W Garvie Kilcoy $1700/head
Charolais x weaner heifers G & N Scholl Mt White Stone $1700/head
Charolais x weaner heifers Paradise Graz Nanango $1680, $1640 & $1600/head
Charbray weaner heifers G & C Lynch Esk $1650/head
Charolais x weaner heifers J & S Grazing Gin Gin $1580 & $1570/head
Charolais x weaner heifers Eskdale Cattle Eskdale South $1570/head
Angus x weaner heifers ATG Past Kilcoy $1700/head
Charolais x weaner heifers ATG Past Kilcoy $1610/head
Simmental x weaner heifers Gald Past Spring Creek Harlin $1560/head
Simmental x weaner heifers Mudloo Pastoral Kilkivan $1560 & 1430/head
Charolais x weaner heifers                Ian Gilliland Blackbutt $1550/head
Charolais x weaner heifers Darren Pratten Kilcoy $1550/head

Shepherdson and Boyd sincerely thank all their vendors for presenting a quality line up of weaners, our buyers and underbidders for their spirited competition and all our hard-working staff on another highly successful sale.

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